In this video we will build and deploy a WAR file with Clarive to a Tomcat webserver.

This will be done in a continuous way, meaning, Clarive will trigger the event of a developer pushing a revision to a GIT repository.

Event triggering invokes an event rule in Clarive. That Rule searches the Clarive database for a Changeset with Status “In Dev”.

If one is found, the newly pushed revision will be related to it. If none found, a new changeset for the application will be created with the revision related.

The changes to the sources for that revision can be seen from the Clarive UI. Also a job will start to build and deploy the WAR file.

The job is generated by a versioned pipeline rule. In all of the video’s for all of the technologies (mainframe cobol, CA-Endevor package, .Net, Mobile apps) the same rule is invoked for all of the environments (DEV, QA, PreProd, PROD).

The WAR file will be deployed to a Docker container in the DEV environment, to a Amazon instance in the QA environment and to a tomcat server on Premise for the production environment.

For any of the environments the application needs to be deployed to, the same pipeline rule will be used, assuring a very consistent way of deploying.

In a next video, the changeset with the War file will be related to a Release and together with changesets with other technologies(CA-Endevor package, Mainframe Cobol, .NET, mobile,…) deployed in the production environment, again using the same pipeline rule to generate the job. This means that a single job will deploy multiple technologies to multiple platforms.

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