To conclude this blog series, let me share some criteria to evaluate different automation solution in the application delivery context. These criteria can help you in the selection process for a good delivery automation solution. 

Logic Layering
How is the automation logic layered out?
Are the flow components tightly or loosely coupled?

Runs Backwards
If rolling back changes are needed, is a reverse flow natural or awkward?
Reusable Components
Can components and parts of the logic be easily reused or plug-and-played from one process to the next?

Entry Barrier
How hard is it to translate the real world into the underlying technology?
Easy to Implement
How hard is it to adapt to new applications and processes? What about maintenance?

Environment and Logic Separation
How independent is the logic from the environment?
Model Transition
Can it handle the evolution from one model to the other?

Massive Parallel Execution
Does the paradigm allow for splitting the automated execution into correlated parts that can run in parallel and results be joined later?
Generates Model as a Result
Does the automation know what is being changed and store the result configuration back into the database?

Handles Model Transitions
Can the system assist in evolving from one environment configuration to another?
Testable and Provable
Can the automation be validated, measured and tested using a dry-run environment and be proven correct?

Criteria Process-Driven Model-Driven Rule-Driven
Logic Layering Flowchart Model, Flowchart Decision Trees
Coupling Tight Loose Decoupled
Easy to Debug    
Runs Backwards (Rollback mode)    
Understands the underlying environment  
Understands component dependencies  
Reusable Components  
Entry Barrier Medium High Low
Easy to Migrate ✪✪✪ ✪✪✪✪
Easy to Maintain ✪✪✪ ✪✪✪✪
Environment and Logic separation  
Requires Environment Blueprints    
Handles Model Transitions    
Massive Parallel Execution (parallel by branching only) (limited by model components)
Performance ✪✪✪ ✪✪✪✪✪

Final notes

When automating complex application delivery processes, large organizations need to choose a system that is both powerful and maintainable. Once complexity is introduced, ARA systems often become cumbersome to maintain, slow to evolve and practically impossible to migrate out.

Process enterprise systems excel at automating business processes (as in BPM tools), because they do not inherently understand the underlying environment. But in application delivery and release automation in general, understanding the environment is key for component reuse and dependency management. Processs are difficult to adapt and break frequently.

Model-driven systems have a higher implementation ramp-up time since they require blueprinting of the environment before starting. Blueprinting the environment means also duplicating container metadata and other configuration management and software-defined infrastructure tools. The actions executed in model-based systems are not transparent, tend to be fragmented and require outside scripting. Finally, many release automation steps simply cannot be modeled that easy.

Rule-driven systems have a low entry barrier and are simple to maintain and extend. Automation steps are decoupled and consistent, testable and reusable. Rules can run massively in parallel, scaling well to demanding delivery pipelines. The rule-action logic is also the basis of machine-learning and many of the AI practices permeating IT nowadays.

In short, here are the key takeaways when deciding what would be the best approach to automating the delivery of application and service changes:


✓ Easy to introduce
✓ Easy to model
✓ Simple to get started

✓ Hard to change
✓ Complex to orchestrate
✓ Highly reusable

✓ Not environment-aware
✓ High entry barrier
✓ Decoupled, easy to change and replace

✓ Error prone
✓ Duplication of blueprints
✓ Massively scalable

✓ Complex to navigate and grasp
✓ Leads to fragmented logic and scripting
✓ Models the environment as a result

✓ Not everything can or needs to be modeled
✓ Fits many use cases

Rule-driven automation is therefore highly recommended for implementing application and service delivery, environment provisioning and orchestration of tools and processes in continuous delivery pipelines. In fact, a whole new generation of tools in many domains now relies on rule-driven automation, such as:
– Run-book automation
– Auto-remediation
– Incident management
– Data-driven marketing automation
– Cloud orchestration
– Manufacturing automation and IoT orchestration
– And many more…

Release management encompasses a complex set of steps, activities, integrations and conditionals. So which paradigm should drive release management? Processs can become potentially unmanageable and detached from the environment. Models are too tied to the environment and end up requiring scripting to be able to deliver changes in the correct order.

Only rule-driven systems can deliver quick wins that perform to scale and are easy to adapt to fast-changing environments.

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